According to Tolle, the self or ego is an illusion created by the mind. It is a mental construct that we identify with and believe to be our true selves. However, this self is not real and is merely a collection of thoughts, beliefs, and memories that we have accumulated throughout our lives. The ego creates a sense of separateness and is the source of much of our suffering.
Tolle believes that if we can see through the illusion of the self, we can experience a deeper level of consciousness and inner peace. By recognizing that the self is an illusion, we can break free from the limitations and constraints of the egoic mind and tap into our true nature as spiritual beings.
One way to do this is through the practice of mindfulness and meditation. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, we can begin to see through the illusions of the ego and connect with our true essence. Tolle emphasizes the importance of practicing mindfulness and meditation on a daily basis to help us stay present and connected to our true selves.
Ultimately, Tolle's message is one of awakening to the truth of our existence. By recognizing the illusion of the self, we can let go of our egoic attachments and experience a deeper sense of peace, love, and unity with all of creation. This is the ultimate goal of Tolle's teachings and a message that is essential for everyone to understand before they die.

Life Pathfinder: Christian Jacques Bennett*
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