Here is how you can support the Ukraine

Christian Jacques Bennett Blog

Seeing the Ukraine war unfolding on our screens is horrific.

I feel disgusted to know that on the other side of the screens there are real lives being affected.

Over the last few days I have been wondering what can I do from home to show Ukrainians my support. 

Here is what I have learnt, which I hope will help others to show their support too.

1. Tonight on 3 March 2022 @ 8pm church bells around the world will ring. By turning off your lights at home you can show Putin that we'd rather sit in the dark than buy his gas & oil. This is taking place in Europe (8pm), London (7pm), Kyiv (9pm) and Moscow (10pm). Please forward to support the Ukraine.

2. On your social networks you can add the Ukraine flag to your profile information to show you support them. 
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3. There are many charities too that you can donate to, here are a few:


- International Medical Corps [DONATE]

- Mercy Corps [DONATE]

- Nova Ukraine [DONATE]

- People In Need [DONATE]

- Save The Children [DONATE]

- Shelter Box [DONATE]

- Ukrainian Red Cross [DONATE]


- United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) [DONATE]

4. Join a peace protest. Here is a website that can help you find one near you.

5. Write about what is happening. You can keep the Ukraine firmly in the international spotlight by writing about what is happening. Blog about it. Share social media posts that enforce the message that we are not going to stand for the Ukraine being taken over illegally. 

6. Report fake news - Don't be afraid to report any news you believe is fake news. Depending where you see the news there should usually be a button or email you can report it.

7. If you want to you can even support the military via

8. There is so much more you can do from raising money for a child's cancer therapy to donating clothes. This website link lists out around 48 useful links that do this.

I think the biggest thing I and you can do is just keep the kindness, compassion and love flowing.

In my mind, what can defeat the evil acts that are being done are the acts of love. Lets keep that flowing for as long as it takes to heal and resolve this situation.

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Oh and one last thing. There are millions of innocent Russians who do not want this war. The sanctions being imposed against their leaders are sadly more likely to impact the innocent Russian population. Therefore please can I also ask that you support those who are suffering in Russia. You can help by donating here:

Thank you and take care today. 

Author: Christian Jacques Bennett*

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Search Terms: Ukraine, war, giving, charity, love, compassion, Russia, generosity, altruism.
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