If only our leaders read and understood the Tao Te Ching there would be lasting peace

Christian Jacques Bennett Blog
Every day I read my translation of the Tao Te Ching (The Way of Everything) and every day it humbles me.
This morning's chapter made me wonder, why don't our leaders read this book of wisdom. Surely wisdom that has lasted thousands of years should be listened to. Why isn't it taught in our schools?
Before I go on a rant... let me copy and paste Chapter 30 of the book for you to see how this wisdom would have helped the war in the Ukraine and would help stop it now. And hopefully how it will stop another world war.
30. Peace

Leaders should set good examples
for others to follow
and then
if war arises
peace is sought.

Aggression will lead
others to harm,
and harm will lead
others to aggression.

By all means, lead others,
but lead them towards:
and tolerance.

Remember the Way
is everything
and everything is you.
Hence hurting others
will hurt you too.

Peace can never involve conflict
as conflict weakens all involved.

A successful and wise leader
knows all this, hence leads
by following the Way.
Enough said. Take care today.
Author: Christian Jacques Bennett*

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Search Terms: Tao Te Ching, Lao Tsu, Dao, Daoism, China, Chinese, Wisdom, Wise, Peace, Unity, World Order, Leaders, Lessons, Government, Govern.

Image by Fabien Huck from Pixabay
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Christian Jacques Bennett Books
If I could send 2 books back in time for my teenage self to read I would send these. In these two books you have the combined knowledge and wisdom of every single spiritual and self improvement book you can get your hands on .